Whatever the color of your favorite tea, drinking a cup provides the antioxidants you need to look and feel younger.
Natural Mint Tea
A cup of mint tea can perk up your complexion by flushing out impurities in you skin.
White tea’s antioxidants prevents the enzyme activity that breaks down collagen and elastin. White tea may reduce the risk of inflammation, which is characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as wrinkles.
Green Tea is chock full of antioxidants, green tea defends against the oxidative damage that causes wrinkles, discoloration and loose skin. Tea also an anti-inflammatory, it is used to heal wounds, fight blotchiness and improve brain function.
The medicinal benefits of tea have been confirmed in numerous studies and researches, and whether it be black, green, oolong, white or herbal tea, tea has numerous health benefits. Research of the health benefit of tea reveals therapeutic properties for almost every type of health condition from arthritis, heart disease, cancer and liver disease to asthma, tooth decay, stress and weight control. The tea from Camellia sinensis plant (black, green, white, oolong tea all come from Camellia sinensis) provides beneficial effects and health benefits:
• Antibacterial effect.
• Anti-inflammatory effect.
• Contains fluoride and protects teeth.
• Reduces risk of heart disease.
• Controls blood pressure.
• Elevates good cholesterol (HDL).
• High levels of anti-oxidants fights free radicals.
• Increases bone density (green and especially white tea).
• Inhibits abnormal blood clot formation.
• Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL & triglycerides).
• Lowers rates of colon, esophageal and pancreatic cancer.
• Lowers the risk of heart-attack.
• Makes your skin healthy and young.
To benefit from antioxidant rich foods, consume them shortly after purchase. The Department of Agriculture found that the level of immunity-boosting catechins (Catechins flav-onoid phytochemical compounds found principally in green tea. Smaller amounts are contained in grapes, black tea, chocolate, and wine) depleted by more than 30 percent within six months in each kind.
To get the most out of your tea-drinking, look for all-natural tea.